Warnings & Future Events
وَإِذَا الْبِحَارُ سُجِّرَتْ
[Al-Quran 81:6]
Sahih International: And when the seas are filled with flame
Shakir: And when the seas are set on fire,
Mohsin Khan: And when the seas shall become as blazing Fire or shall overflow;
The Quran is a message of glad tidings and warnings. The promised future events will occur. We must believe, heed to the message and seek Allah's forgiveness, so that we are granted a safe passage out of all the chaos, on a straight trajectory, headed towards the Gardens of Eternity. Surah at-Takwir begins with a list of future events, and concludes as follows:
إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا ذِكْرٌ لِّلْعَالَمِينَ
لِمَن شَاءَ مِنكُمْ أَن يَسْتَقِيمَ
وَمَا تَشَاءُونَ إِلَّا أَن يَشَاءَ اللَّهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ
Not it (is) except a reminder to the worlds,
For whoever wills among you to take a straight way.
And not you will except that wills Allah, Lord (of) the worlds.
Quran Dictionary
The triliteral root sīn jīm rā (س ج ر) occurs three times in the Quran: ![]() |
Screenshot from corpus.quran.com |
Shades of Meaning in the Lexicon
According to Lane’s Lexicon, the root s-j-r basically means filled, but as it adds in the discussion, there is no way to understand this word unless it means filled with fire; or it means when the seas shall overflow; or shall meet together and become one sea…
Rise in Sea Temperature & Sea Level
As discussed in When the Seas Boil, the Earth's cryosphere is melting. Global Warming markers are increasingly being felt, observed and measured, with an upward trend in the sea-temperature and sea-level.
Burning Water
An accidental discovery in 2007 demonstrated that salt water can indeed burn in a radio frequency field. However, for water to burn, massive input of energy is required to initiate and sustain the burning process.
Cosmic Radiation
As studied in Smoke from the Sky, another end-of-the-times event is cosmic smoke: an initial engulfing cosmic smoke, followed by the greatest seizure (Q44:10-16). Cosmic radiation consists of particles of mass, and can achieve tremendous energies. In July 2018, it has been reported that superstar Eta Carinae is shooting cosmic rays.
As studied in Smoke from the Sky, another end-of-the-times event is cosmic smoke: an initial engulfing cosmic smoke, followed by the greatest seizure (Q44:10-16). Cosmic radiation consists of particles of mass, and can achieve tremendous energies. In July 2018, it has been reported that superstar Eta Carinae is shooting cosmic rays.
Excerpt from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_ray
Massive cosmic rays compared to photons
In current usage, the term cosmic ray almost exclusively refers to massive particles - those that have rest mass - as opposed to photons which have no rest mass. Massive particles have additional, kinetic, mass-energy when they are moving, due to relativistic effects. Through this process, some particles acquire tremendously high mass-energies. These are significantly higher than the photon energy of even the highest-energy photons detected to date. The energy of the massless photon depends solely on frequency, not speed, as photons always travel at the same speed. At the higher end of the energy spectrum, relativistic kinetic energy is the main source of the mass-energy of cosmic rays.
The Oh-My-God particle, the highest-energy fermionic cosmic ray detected to date, had an energy of about 3×1020 eV, while the highest-energy gamma rays to be observed, very-high-energy gamma rays, are photons with energies of up to 1014 eV. Hence, the highest-energy detected fermionic cosmic ray was around 3×106times as energetic as the highest-energy detected cosmic photons.
Of primary cosmic rays, which originate outside of Earth's atmosphere, about 99% are the nuclei of well-known atoms (stripped of their electron shells), and about 1% are solitary electrons (similar to beta particles). Of the nuclei, about 90% are simple protons (i.e., hydrogen nuclei); 9% are alpha particles, identical to helium nuclei; and 1% are the nuclei of heavier elements, called HZE ions.[7] A very small fraction are stable particles of antimatter, such as positrons or antiprotons. The precise nature of this remaining fraction is an area of active research. An active search from Earth orbit for anti-alpha particles has failed to detect them.
Cosmic rays attract great interest practically, due to the damage they inflict on microelectronics and life outside the protection of an atmosphere and magnetic field, and scientifically, because the energies of the most energetic ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) have been observed to approach 3 × 1020 eV,[8] about 40 million times the energy of particles accelerated by the Large Hadron Collider.[9] One can show that such enormous energies might be achieved by means of the centrifugal mechanism of acceleration in active galactic nuclei. At 50 J,[10] the highest-energy ultra-high-energy cosmic rays have energies comparable to the kinetic energy of a 90-kilometre-per-hour (56 mph) baseball. As a result of these discoveries, there has been interest in investigating cosmic rays of even greater energies.[11] Most cosmic rays, however, do not have such extreme energies; the energy distribution of cosmic rays peaks at 0.3 gigaelectronvolts (4.8×10−11 J).[12]
'Superstar' Eta Carinae Acts Like a Ginormous Cosmic-Ray Gun, But Why?
By Elizabeth Howell, Space.com Contributor | July 10, 2018 07:20am ET
A huge star system 7,500 light-years away is shooting out radiation at superhigh speeds. A new study with NASA's NuSTAR space telescope shows that Eta Carinae may act as an accelerator of charged particles, which are also called cosmic rays.
Eta Carinae is a famous hourglass-shaped gas cloud containing two massive stars orbiting each other: They are 30 and 90 times the mass of the sun, respectively. The system experienced an outburst in the 19th century and briefly became the second-brightest object in the sky. Astronomers, however, still struggle to understand the source of the outburst — and the dynamics of that star system in general.
NASA added that some of these superfast electrons, as well as other charged particles, likely escape Eta Carinae. Some of those particles may fly in Earth's direction, showing up here as cosmic-ray detections.
External References & Links
Burning Water
Eta Carinae Summer 2018 News
NASA.gov NASA's NuSTAR Mission Proves Superstar Eta Carinae Shoots Cosmic Rays
Nature.com Non-thermal X-rays from colliding wind shock acceleration in the massive binary Eta Carinae
Space.com Superstar' Eta Carinae Acts Like a Ginormous Cosmic-Ray Gun, But Why?
Last updated on: July 12, 2018
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