[Al-Quran 50:6-8] Have they not looked at the heaven above them - how We structured it and adorned it and how it has no rifts? And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, Giving insight and a reminder for every servant who turns [to Allah].

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Prolonging Life

 Transhumanism - IV: escaping death for a thousand years? 

[The Contemporary Torah, Genesis Bereshit 3 22-24]

[The Old Testament, Genesis 3 21-24]

The Bible informs us that the Tree of Life is being guarded, and thus humans will not be able to achieve immortality. The Quran inform us that death is a purposeful creation, and even if the criminals are awarded lifespans of one thousand years, they will not be able to escape death, resurrection, accountability and consequent punishment. The Quran also speaks of a dreadful tree that will be a trial upon resurrection. 

Initially, in very ancient times, there seems to be a period when people lived longer. Metuselah is believed to have lived the longest: 969 years, and so, his name crops up in transhumanist literature. According to The Quran, Noah lived 950 years. From The Bible, we come to know that Metuselah was Noah's grandfather. From The Bible, we come to know that Adam lived 930 years. 

According to The Bible, in Noah's time, when there was great wickednesses in the world, The Lord limited mankind's age to 120 years [Genesis 6 3]. 

Transhumanists believe that they are on the brink of life extension. Their literature speaks of a thousand years when they speak of a long life. Why? Do they also base their expectations and hopes in Biblical stories of long ago? In their heart of hearts, do they believe that one thousand years is what The Lord had initially determined human lifespan when He created them? 

The Quran, after narrating Adam's fall in Surah alBaqarah, reminds the Bani Israel of their covenant. In one of the comments about them, it states: 


Related Posts 

Life Extension 

Death & The Pursuit of Immortality 

Time, Death & Decay 

The Right Religion (Deen) for basic directive against transhumanism (H+ || h+ )    

Last updated on: August 23, 2022

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