[Al-Quran 50:6-8] Have they not looked at the heaven above them - how We structured it and adorned it and how it has no rifts? And the earth - We spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein [something] of every beautiful kind, Giving insight and a reminder for every servant who turns [to Allah].

Thursday, May 20, 2021

The Disappearing Stars


The fulfilling of the prophecy of obliteration of stars (Q77:8) seems to have begun. 

Full Text 

وَالْمُرْسَلَاتِ عُرْفًا

Act as a witness those personalities who are sent forth and are well-known

فَالْعَاصِفَاتِ عَصْفًا

So, the personalities who perform with full force and capacity — in full force and capacity

وَالنَّاشِرَاتِ نَشْرًا

And the personalities who broadcast (the Message of Allah) in full broadcast

فَالْفَارِقَاتِ فَرْقًا

So, the personalities that make manifest the difference (between right and wrong, Light and darkness, and knowledge and ignorance) in complete separation

فَالْمُلْقِيَاتِ ذِكْرًا

So, the personalities that bring to view right in front, (the) Zikr (‘Message’) —

عُذْرًا أَوْ نُذْرًا

as an excuse (i.e., performance of duty) or as a warning

إِنَّمَا تُوعَدُونَ لَوَاقِعٌ

Surely, whatever you are promised (through the above personalities) indeed (that is) something which must happen

فَإِذَا النُّجُومُ طُمِسَتْ

So, when the stars are made to lose their light

[Al-Quran 77:1-8, Translation: Dr. Kamal Omar]

The Quran foretold the extinguishing of the stars or their complete obliteration: 

Screenshot from corpus.quran.com

Recent observations of the sky are puzzling scientists, as some stars which used to be on previous maps, have disappeared. The links in the references below mention few to hundreds of stars which have simply disappeared. Various ideas are being floated as possible explanations, but that is not the point of this blogpost. The Quran, Surah al-Mursalat, had foretold the extinguishing or obliteration of the stars. It seems that this process has already started. And so, Surah al-Mursalat concludes with the following question: 

فَبِأَيِّ حَدِيثٍ بَعْدَهُ يُؤْمِنُونَ 

Then in what Hadees after this (Al-Kitab) they will develop (their) Faith

As Surah Muhammad directs, its time to start seeking forgiveness:  









https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwugGX3-uuM (The VASCO project: a status update 2019)


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